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Grandpa Hill’s True Stories – 82 Episodes!
Grandpa Hill’s Favorites
These are Grandpa’s favorites. You can find the rest of our episodes above, under “All Stories.”
A Brief Description:
Grandpa Hill’s stories are as best he can recall what truly happened to him. What he and Grandma have done. We encourage you to listen and learn. There may be hints, tips, and, ideas that will help you in your life. Grandpa believes that in listening, especially listening to his stories, that there is learning. You may end up improving your health, family or your life, or some one else’s life. As you and your family are entertained or benefit in any way please tell us about it in comments.
Grandpa’s stories about health, faith, family and problem solving are just as true, but may not always be suitable for little children. Listen to them beforehand, and then share as you deem appropriate.
Nonetheless, some children may gain from the aforementioned episodes, and we have done our best to mark the ones we think are suitable (check out Stories for Children).
Our Host:

Grandpa loves fishing, solving problems, telling stories, and last—but certainly not least—God and his Catholic faith.