Grandpa Hill, decided in 1973 in the summer to sell his Brandy. He had received Brandy for his 13th birthday.
As horse and rider Grandpa and Brandy had been through a lot together. Grandpa had learned to be responsible, to be a caregiver, and he learned how to ride well enough to stay on Brandy. Grandpa still considered Brandy to be very stubborn and failed to see the steady progress of gentling that was occurring with Brandy. The plan was to sell Brandy and if possible all of his tack.
On that fateful morning when a potential buyer came to his house Grandpa saddled up Brandy for the little girl that was going to be riding him in the future. Grandpa was shocked and surprised by Brandy’s behavior. The sale went through. Grandpa had $600 from the sale of Brandy plus tack. Now, he wanted a car! The experience with Brandy demanded that he learn a lot, and do a lot. Getting bucked and thrown wasn’t comfortable. Owning a horse and starting from scratch without knowledge, skill, or contacts, required thinking. As he remembers it he laughed a lot as he tried and tried and tried again.
Produced by David Richman, Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill
Voice of Gorf: Grandpa, Voice of Marshmallow: David,
Art: David Richman,
Music: Michael Steele,
Grandchildren: Joseph, Catherine, and Lizzy
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