Category: Health

Stories of Grandpa and Grandma’s many scrapes and trials throughout their many years. Striving despite epilepsy, combatting…

  • COVID19 Makes Grandpa Healthy – Health Story

    COVID19 Makes Grandpa Healthy – Health Story

    Grandpa Hill, Don starts out fearful of the virus and puts on his mask, and, distances himself some from family and even has some of his friends die from COVID.   At the time Don thought he probably would survive the illness just fine but didn’t look forward to finding out.   Then strange things started to happen the people that promoted early safe and effective treatment were ridiculed and removed from the internet.  Finally, when Kenny at work gets COVID and he gets zero treatment for it, Don gets motivated to take action.  Grandpa Hill was determined to be ready for all viruses by becoming healthier and more robust against upper respiratory viruses.

    In this Grandpa Hill’s True Health Story, Grandpa shares the heart of what happened to him and what he did.  He did not get COVID, and, he has not even had a fever since January of 2021.   Grandpa Hill was influenced by Dr. John Campbell to get good on his Vitamin D3, by Dr Peter McCullough to regularly kill off his viral load with nasal rinses by Desert Review’s website regarding the use of Ivermectin in Peshwar India.    Grandpa is not a Dr.  Grandpa is not in the medical field.  Grandpa is just a good critical thinker that is so grateful for his family and for how healthy he has been since the COVID Pandemic.

    Production: Grandpa Hill and David Richman

    Art: Amy Steele Music: David Richman

  • The Healing Power of a Grape Leaf

    The Healing Power of a Grape Leaf

    Grandpa is taking his daughter Amy across the fields of western Wisconsin in 1990.   The two of them had come out of the woods away from the rest of the group.  The Romo’s children, and their mom, Mrs Teresa Romo and Don and his four children had spent the late morning hours foraging for medicinal herbs and wild foods. 

    They had experienced seeing baby raccoons in an old tree stump.  They had gotten a few mosquito bites and now the push was to get back to the farm house.  Little did they know that off of the beaten path there would be an old fence line and there would be bees!  Bumblebees!

    As they were crossing the last fence line, Amy disturbs a modest nest of bumblebees.  She gets stung and immediately starts to swell.  Donald knows that their visit with the Romo’s would now get cut short with a trip to the emergency room.  Amy has many allergies and bee stings is one of them.

    When they get to the farm house her hand is quite swollen.  As Don and Mary Lee start to fuss,  there is no alarm from Teresa.  She pulls out a wild grape leaf from her bag we had filled that morning.  She places it in shallow water in a frying pan on the stove.  The leaf becomes soft and thick.  Teresa proceeds to wrap Amy’s badly swollen hand in the grape leaf and we proceeded to fix lunch.

    Before Amy sits down to her lunch, the swelling is completely gone.  What Benadryl couldn’t do in an hour, the grape leaf had done in just minutes.   Grandpa learned the healing powers of a grape leaf.  He also learned a lesson about knowledge, being curious, and the importance of sharing what you know with others.

    Gorf and Marshmallow also  marvel at the power of a grape leaf and how smart, resourceful and wise Mrs Romo is.  Semloh takes the opportunity to teach Gorf and Marshmallow a relevant lesson about knowledge and learning.

    How did Mrs. Romo know of the power of a grape leaf and the value of dozens of other plants that grew in her own “back yard”?

    Please share often, follow, and listen often to Grandpa Hill’s True Stories as you and your children learn to think and then laugh and live life fully.


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Gorf: Grandpa
    Marshmallow: David Richman
    Semloh: David Richman
    Music: Michael Steele
    Art: Amy Steele
    Grandchildren in the audience: Annette, Breandan, Eoghan, David

  • Hospital Incident No. 1 – Stay with your child.

    Hospital Incident No. 1 – Stay with your child.

    Hospital Incident No.1 – Stay With Your Child is a true story of when Grandpa stayed with his oldest daughter Patricia as she was treated for a severe asthma attack.  As children Grandpa and Grandma had never been hospitalized.  As young parents Grandpa and Grandma Hill had been to the hospital several times  and had several multiple night stays with their first child, Patricia.  When they moved from Houghton Michigan to Westerville OH they got strong and good advice, Always stay with your child when they are hospitalized.   

    As young parents with little children, we had mentors and guidance from wiser, experienced, and successful parents.  Tom and Margaret McSweeney were especially helpful on health, faith, and family issues. We had a community from our parish church St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Westerville OH and our Marriage Encounter Community.   

    Grandpa Hill encourages the listeners to our Health episodes.  Always stay with your child.  Know their medications. Know the effects of under and overdosing on the medicines.  Pay attention.  Expect the best and be ready for the unexpected.    As parents with many children with several illnesses and injuries Grandma or Grandpa always stayed with the sick child.   They never wavered.   

    Please enjoy the drama of Grandpa standing his ground and getting the best right thing done for Patricia in the hospital in the summer of 1981 in Pontiac Michigan.   Please share this story, with others.  It means so much to us to know that others might think better, live healthier, and laugh and enjoy life more because they Stayed With Their Child when they were hospitalized. 


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: David Richman
    Art: Amy Steele
    Grandchildren in the audience: Sarah, David, Leah, Anna, Miriam, Raymond, Naomi

  • Sandy and Her Seizures

    Sandy and Her Seizures

    Grandpa Hill’s  true health story “Sandy and Her Seizures”  tells how connection and love and critical thinking about health issues came together and resulted in Sandy not having seizures anymore.  When Bernadette finally gets Dean and Don (Grandpa Hill) together, the synergy of the information that gets shared leads to a speedy recovery for Sandy.

    This story could have had a very sad end.  Medical care givers had concluded that not much could be done for Sandy.   Dean’s  ideas and direction for Sandy’s care had been dismissed by the Doctor’s.   With conviction Dean moved forward, and got the treatment Sandy needed.  

    This true event in Grandpa Hill’s life motivates him to tell his stories, share his opinions, as he thinks laughs and lives.  Please share the story with everyone!  Grandpa Hill is confident that the lives of many will be so much better if you do.

  • XCOPRI Worked

    XCOPRI Worked

    In Grandpa Hill’s True Health Story about success with XCOPRI a new AED, anti epileptic drug, Grandma Hill (Mary) did what Mary does.  She shares her personal success story, her ideas, and her opinions with another.  After her epilepsy improved, with 50% fewer seizures, she shared her story with Gregg, and he does even better.  

    Grandpa Hill is not a doctor, just a good thinker, seeking the best of care for Grandma and her epilepsy.  Our dream, our goal, is that more people will benefit from these stories.  Grandpa encourages epileptics, their caregivers, and their Doctors to consider XCOPRI, Cenobamate. Share this story with them, it might get them started.  Grandpa is learning to share more like Grandma has always done, as they think, act effectively to improve their health, while they laugh and live abundantly, in spite of the seizures.

  • Virus Hunting

    Virus Hunting

    This Grandpa Hill True Story is about his Nose, and how he helps it stop viruses. Grandpa Hill believes that respiratory viruses nearly always start in the nose and mouth. His nose is where he goes “hunting” for viruses, to kill them.  In his story he goes virus hunting every day. Grandpa believes his clean nose is key to not getting sick with the COVID virus.

    A Neti pot is his weapon of choice.  He found helpful information from Dr. Peter McCullough, ( ) and Indian J. ( ). Grandpa Hill learned more about effective virus hunting using a nasal rinse of dilute betadine.

    This is Grandpa Hill’s personal true story.  He is not a Doctor, just a good rational and critical thinker.  But he hopes you will join him in thinking, laughing and living, as he tells how he takes his own positive action to try to improve his health by going virus hunting in his nose every day.

  • Quest for Ivermectin

    Quest for Ivermectin

    Grandpa Hill is on a Quest for Ivermectin, he calls it his chopper stopper because of how Ivermectin is reported to stop the “chopping” effects in the replication or growing process of viruses.  So He launches his plan to prevent Covid and to be prepared to do early treatment of COVID if his prevention plan fails, with Ivermectin. Grandpa Hill figured Ivermectin would help him without hurting him, so he launched his quest. That key part of his plan is to slow the replication of any virus long enough for his immune system to do its work.

    Grandpa Hill is highly supportive of his new pharmacy, Keystone Pharmacy in New Alexandria PA. While his supplier of Ivermectin is  They are not highly rated on the internet, but so far he has had no problems with his orders.

    Who is this Grandpa Hill?

    Grandpa Hill is 64 years old.  He is an engineer, a husband, a dad, a grandfather.  He is not a doctor just a good thinker.  Evaluating his options and the risks, Grandpa Hill tends to give the highest credence to doctors that are doctoring; An instance is the FLCCC Alliance and their prevention and early treatment protocols.   If you decide, as he did, to use the “chopper stopper” be aware there are issues with pregnancy and Ivermectin; So be sure to get the dosage right for your weight and circumstances.

    As he learns more about what is going on in his body Grandpa Hill thinks, takes effective action, laughs and lives.


    A test and treat program in Uttar Pradesh reported Ivermectin especially effective ( .  Many countries and large metro areas were getting similar positive responses with the use of Ivermectin.  YouTubers Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Been, explained how Ivermectin is a protease inhibitor, the culprit chopper, hence: CHOPPER STOPPER.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music & Art: David Richman

  • Vitamin D for Me, and Mary Lee

    Vitamin D for Me, and Mary Lee

    In Vitamin D for me and Mary Lee, Grandpa Hill tells the true story about “discovering” Vitamin D3 and its effect on his immune system. As he takes D3 and more D3 he studies and learns to take K2 with the D3. His immune system seems stronger and he doesn’t get Covid-19.

    In the beginning D3 is simply something that might help and won’t hurt, but as the pandemic proceeds and Grandpa learned more, he ponders the possibility that because adequate D3 is a challenge for those with the Covid comorbidities of old age, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and dark skin that maybe D3 is a bigger deal than he ever realized. 

    Here are the two places for information on the internet:  Dr. John Campbell youtube videos Vitamin D, Strong evidence from Israel and Vitamin D levels advised; and, the Dark Horse Podcast, Rays of hope, Covid and Vitamin D

    Grandpa Hill hopes that listeners will be intrigued, study, consult, and decide for themselves whether to use D3 for preventing serious viral infections.  After thinking about it, act effectively to improve your health, laugh and live.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music & Art: David Richman

  • When My Mom had a Massive Stroke

    When My Mom had a Massive Stroke

    In 1996, Grandpa Hill received a call, his mother was paralyzed in a hospital bed after a massive stroke. Medication prescriptions mounted, and by the time she left rehab she was on 9 different drugs.

    Listen to hear how Grandpa Hill ends up taking his mother out of the rehab, and helps her to continue to live a good healthy and happy life. Mom came to stay with them in Pennsylvania. The rehab psychiatrist had prescribed purpose rather than more medication. A strong Will to Live was what Grandpa Hill’s mother needed most. Her struggles in Grandpa Hills very busy house with seven homeschooled children would keep her mind and body challenged.

    Slowly and surely (one medicine at a time) they managed to mostly unmedicate Mom. Suddenly Mom takes an unexpected turn for the worse, her liver was shutting down.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: David Richman