Category: Stories

All the many stories that have shaped the man known as Grandpa Hill, Donald, Don, or simply Silly Grandpa

  • Our First Homeschooling Day

    Grandpa Hill, that’s me, Don tells this story for his children, his grandchildren, and all children.  The 6 Hills go to bed on a summer night in Savage Minnesota determined to not watch the TV anymore.  This drastic change in their life was preparation to start homeschooling in the fall.

    It was Friday night. It was 1989. In just 11 hours, Saturday animation would be no more.  The TV was in the closet!

    In the morning Grandpa wakes and soon sounds the alarm to Grandma, the children are missing!

    This unexpected start to their homeschooling days was a clear sign to them that replacing TV time with family time and great activities, was the best choice, a key opening the door to their success with their eight children being taught in their home.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: David Richman
    Art: Amy Steele

  • How to Lose Teeth Fast

    How to Lose Teeth Fast

    Losing My Two Front Teeth is a story for Grandpa Hill’s 8 children, 22 grand children, and all children.   Four of his grandchildren are ready for bed, listening to Grandpa Hill recall the fun time when he had his teeth and played in the clean sheets that his mother had washed and hung to dry.
    Losing teeth the natural and normal way is usually very exciting and sometimes a little painful.  Grandpa lost his teeth in a way that was very painful, and, sad.    In the story he disobeys his mother, and hurts himself.  His mother forgives him and he grows up to be a very happy and grateful Grandpa Hill with teeth.


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced and Recorded by Grandpa Hill

    Music: Michael Steele
    Art: Amy Steele
    Grandchildren in Audience: Kyla, Lawrence, Eddie, and Levi

  • XCOPRI Worked

    XCOPRI Worked

    In Grandpa Hill’s True Health Story about success with XCOPRI a new AED, anti epileptic drug, Grandma Hill (Mary) did what Mary does.  She shares her personal success story, her ideas, and her opinions with another.  After her epilepsy improved, with 50% fewer seizures, she shared her story with Gregg, and he does even better.  

    Grandpa Hill is not a doctor, just a good thinker, seeking the best of care for Grandma and her epilepsy.  Our dream, our goal, is that more people will benefit from these stories.  Grandpa encourages epileptics, their caregivers, and their Doctors to consider XCOPRI, Cenobamate. Share this story with them, it might get them started.  Grandpa is learning to share more like Grandma has always done, as they think, act effectively to improve their health, while they laugh and live abundantly, in spite of the seizures.

  • Virus Hunting

    Virus Hunting

    This Grandpa Hill True Story is about his Nose, and how he helps it stop viruses. Grandpa Hill believes that respiratory viruses nearly always start in the nose and mouth. His nose is where he goes “hunting” for viruses, to kill them.  In his story he goes virus hunting every day. Grandpa believes his clean nose is key to not getting sick with the COVID virus.

    A Neti pot is his weapon of choice.  He found helpful information from Dr. Peter McCullough, ( ) and Indian J. ( ). Grandpa Hill learned more about effective virus hunting using a nasal rinse of dilute betadine.

    This is Grandpa Hill’s personal true story.  He is not a Doctor, just a good rational and critical thinker.  But he hopes you will join him in thinking, laughing and living, as he tells how he takes his own positive action to try to improve his health by going virus hunting in his nose every day.

  • Lost With The Kitties

    Lost With The Kitties

    In this Grandpa Hill Slightly Wiser True Story, Grandpa loses a child at the Columbus Ohio City Zoo.  Grandpa Hill had a system to make it easy for a lost child to find him.  He wears a yellow shirt. The yellow shirt system failed and Brian, the lost child, had an adventure while lost with the “kittys”.  To this day no one knows if Brian ever petted the “kitty”, with spots. It just so happened to be as tall as he was.  From Gorf and Marshmallow we learn that Grandpa Hill does improve the yellow shirt system. With his improvements he didn’t lose children very often after this incident.

    As always Grandpa Hill encourages you to listen, subscribe for notifications of new episodes.  Let us know if you or your family or friends find it a little easier to think, laugh and live from these stories.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Gorf: Grandpa
    Marshmallow: David Richman
    Music: Michael Steele
    Art: Amy Steele
    Grandchildren in the audience: Joseph, Catherine, and Lizzy

  • First Time Trout Fishing

    First Time Trout Fishing

    In Trout Fishing for The First Time Grandpa Hill spends his last day of his first vacation away from home trout fishing.  Way back in the 1970’s Grandpa Hill fished at a pond in Northport Michigan.  The pond was completely full of brook trout!  More trout than Grandpa had ever seen all in one place ever before and ever since. 

    The pond is not very easy to fish in, so he has to overcome trees and weeds, and learn to cast sideways.  At the end of his successful fishing trip his stringer was full, yet at the end of the day his belly was empty.  Because the fish were all gone.

    Marshmallow explains to Gorf how this was a story about growing-up. Grandpa didn’t get something he really had looked forward to – delicious brook trout, and that was okay.

    If anyone you know would be entertained by, or learn from Grandpa Hill’s true stories please share them, and please subscribe and use all of his stories to think better, laugh more, and live abundantly.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Gorf: Grandpa
    Marshmallow: David R.
    Art: Amy Steele
    Music: David R.
    Grandchildren in the audience: Caleb, Corbin, and Walter

  • Baby Torticollis

    Baby Torticollis

    Amy, Grandpa Hill’s daughter, had a droopy face, a crooked neck, and her eye wouldn’t open all the way.  Grandpa and Grandma Hill (Don and Mary) wanted her torticollis to be fixed but were not ready to have Doctors do nerve surgery.  Grandpa was praying and sharing with others at work about Amy’s situation. Right there, right then, the man praying with Grandpa Hill, started telling him about an Osteopath that he thought would be good for Amy.  Grandpa Hill had never heard of such a thing!  What would they do to their little girl?

    Many would say this was just another lucky circumstance.  Grandpa thinks differently.  He believes it is God’s nature to listen, and, to consider and provide what is best for him and his family.  He prayed during that lunch hour. While there he was face to face with a man he hardly knew proceeding to tell him of a special Osteopath, a leader in his field, that he thought could help Amy.  So, Grandpa listened, he investigated, and prayed again with Grandma. The decision was made to start manipulations of baby Amy’s skull. Today, we are glad to have to a happy and beautiful Amy, with relieved, grateful and joyful parents.

    If Grandpa Hill’s true story about how he quickly took effective action against a serious problem helps you in any way please let us know.  Of Torticollis Grandpa knew very little.  Of Osteopaths Grandpa knew very little.  He did ask Jesus to help him figure this out, and he thinks that Jesus did exactly that.  Grandpa Hill says think, pray, laugh and live. 

  • Why Did I Say That about Her Baby?

    Julia was trying to start a family and she had just found out about another miscarriage. Inexplicably Grandpa Hill (Don) thought her baby was still alive, and told her what he thought.  Julia needed to hear that, and so did her baby.

    To this day Grandpa Hill doesn’t know why he said that, but he did say it.  Sometimes we don’t say what what we know we should, but what an impact there can be when we do.

    This story changed Julia and her family.  This story changed Grandpa Hill and his family.  It is Grandpa’s hope that this story will change you and your family.  (The story is as true as Grandpa Hill can remember it.  Names have been changed.)

  • Quest for Ivermectin

    Quest for Ivermectin

    Grandpa Hill is on a Quest for Ivermectin, he calls it his chopper stopper because of how Ivermectin is reported to stop the “chopping” effects in the replication or growing process of viruses.  So He launches his plan to prevent Covid and to be prepared to do early treatment of COVID if his prevention plan fails, with Ivermectin. Grandpa Hill figured Ivermectin would help him without hurting him, so he launched his quest. That key part of his plan is to slow the replication of any virus long enough for his immune system to do its work.

    Grandpa Hill is highly supportive of his new pharmacy, Keystone Pharmacy in New Alexandria PA. While his supplier of Ivermectin is  They are not highly rated on the internet, but so far he has had no problems with his orders.

    Who is this Grandpa Hill?

    Grandpa Hill is 64 years old.  He is an engineer, a husband, a dad, a grandfather.  He is not a doctor just a good thinker.  Evaluating his options and the risks, Grandpa Hill tends to give the highest credence to doctors that are doctoring; An instance is the FLCCC Alliance and their prevention and early treatment protocols.   If you decide, as he did, to use the “chopper stopper” be aware there are issues with pregnancy and Ivermectin; So be sure to get the dosage right for your weight and circumstances.

    As he learns more about what is going on in his body Grandpa Hill thinks, takes effective action, laughs and lives.


    A test and treat program in Uttar Pradesh reported Ivermectin especially effective ( .  Many countries and large metro areas were getting similar positive responses with the use of Ivermectin.  YouTubers Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Been, explained how Ivermectin is a protease inhibitor, the culprit chopper, hence: CHOPPER STOPPER.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music & Art: David Richman

  • Vitamin D for Me, and Mary Lee

    Vitamin D for Me, and Mary Lee

    In Vitamin D for me and Mary Lee, Grandpa Hill tells the true story about “discovering” Vitamin D3 and its effect on his immune system. As he takes D3 and more D3 he studies and learns to take K2 with the D3. His immune system seems stronger and he doesn’t get Covid-19.

    In the beginning D3 is simply something that might help and won’t hurt, but as the pandemic proceeds and Grandpa learned more, he ponders the possibility that because adequate D3 is a challenge for those with the Covid comorbidities of old age, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and dark skin that maybe D3 is a bigger deal than he ever realized. 

    Here are the two places for information on the internet:  Dr. John Campbell youtube videos Vitamin D, Strong evidence from Israel and Vitamin D levels advised; and, the Dark Horse Podcast, Rays of hope, Covid and Vitamin D

    Grandpa Hill hopes that listeners will be intrigued, study, consult, and decide for themselves whether to use D3 for preventing serious viral infections.  After thinking about it, act effectively to improve your health, laugh and live.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music & Art: David Richman