The Insurance Commissioner – Grandma Saves the Day

Grandpa Hill tells this true story to give credit to one of the unexpected talents that Grandma has for peaceably settling disputes and disagreements and issues.  Don (Grandpa Hill) wasn’t so good at that sort of thing.   Before Don would get into the arguing, the run-around and the frustration of handling difficult issues he would wisely turn it all over to Mary Lee.  It would seem like a miracle to Don, when somehow Mary Lee would get the issue settled.

Mary Lee (Grandma Hill) was a stay at home mom in the early 80’s in Columbus Ohio.   With two little children and one on the way money was tight. There had been a wreck, the car was damaged and the insurance company wasn’t going to pay.  Mary Lee gets the insurance carrier to reverse their decision, cut a check, and, pay us for our loss.  The check was in Grandpa’s hand about five hours after Mary Lee had started to address the issue.   The money was greatly needed.  She got it done, and fast.   Nobody mad, nobody sad, and several hundred dollars available to fix the family car; she truly saved the day. 

Mary Lee’s special talent has served the family well these past forty four years. Don is so proud of and in love with Mary Lee.  


Produced by David Richman,
Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

Music by David Richman


2 responses to “The Insurance Commissioner – Grandma Saves the Day”

  1. Paul Avatar

    Wow! What a story reminds me of what I learned about insurance and salvage titles; I had a decent ending also but so much more time and rigmarole to endure during numerous discussions and lack of logic on insurance processes in general

    1. Grandpa Hill Avatar
      Grandpa Hill

      Paul: Thank you for you comment. It means a lot to me. Systems are frequently mired and function poorly somewhere. Mary Lee just seems to be able to keep her cool and is gentle. don

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