Grandpa’s First Boat

Once upon a time there were two little boys in the back of their father’s aluminum flat bottomed fishing boat,  two big boys took turns at the front, but the two little boys got bigger.  As the four boys grew, one moved away, and, the little boys were crowded and heavy in the back of the boat.  Grandpa, one of the not so little boys, takes it upon himself to purchase a boat of his own so that he can go fishing while two of his brothers can be in the family boat.  Grandpa Hill’s solution was a little yellow inflatable boat with a brass fitting.  He had saved his money and was determined to be independent in his own boat!

He learned that being independent is a lot of work.  That didn’t stop him from being independent. Out on the lake all by himself, catching fish.

Grof and Marshmallow discuss the importance of independence but also the importance of taking turns (even when you don’t like to) and spending time will your family. They also imagine what might’ve happened to Grandpa Hill’s Boat. What do you think happened to Grandpa’s Boat?

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Produced by David Richman,
Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

Art: David R,
Music: Michael Steele
Grandchildren in the Audience: Lawrence, Edmund, and Levi


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