Hide in seek is a very fun game, which everyone loves to play. Hide the bunny is also a very fun game, except when it is not.
In Lots of Bunnies Grandpa Hill tells the true story, as best he can recall, how a bunny died because it could not breathe. A few days later a little girl lived because Gerry, Grandpa’s brother, kept her from hiding in a refrigerator where she wouldn’t have been able to breathe.
Gorf is sad about the bunny. Marshmallow gets Gorf to see how important it was for Gerry to learn this lesson: Air is needed to breathe. Never hide yourself or anything living where it can’t breathe.
Produced by David Richman,
Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill
Grandchildren in the audience: Breandan
Music: Michael Steele
Art: Amy Steele
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