Patricia Puts The Baby First! – Grandpa Hill’s True Stories
Patricia, Grandpa and Grandma’s eldest child, listens with her seven children, and Grandma Hill (Mary Lee) as Grandpa Hill tells the heart tearing and heart warming story of when Patricia, was seriously ill in Children’s Hospital of Columbus Ohio. Patricia was not responding well to her treatment and medications for asthma. After a day of…
Hospital Incident No. 1 – Stay with your child.
Hospital Incident No.1 – Stay With Your Child is a true story of when Grandpa stayed with his oldest daughter Patricia as she was treated for a severe asthma attack. As children Grandpa and Grandma had never been hospitalized. As young parents Grandpa and Grandma Hill had been to the hospital several times and had several…
Great Michigan Bicycle Trip – PART 4
This last episode of Grandpa Hill’s adventure trip is told by Grandpa Hill. It truly happened to him. There and back, the trip was nearly 500 miles. This last episode starts on Day 6 and is full of adventure and fun. The day starts with spirits high, leaving MARION. Eggs are stolen from a hen…
The Great Michigan Bike Trip Part 3
Part 3: Day 4, Day 5, Day 6. Stuck in Marion Michigan. Grandpa Hill and his friends leave Wilson State Park, where their neighbors had taken them after their highly unlikely and very fortuitous chance meeting the day before. They headed out of the park on what would come to be known as the “disaster…
The Great Michigan Bike Trip – Part 2
Comment below! And share with your friends! On The Great Michigan Bicycle Trip PART 2, Day 2 and 3, Grandpa Hill has a much better time than day one of this 500 mile adventure across Michigan by four teenage boys. In Day 1 the Lapeer County sheriff deputy was called to question him and he…
The Great Michigan Bike Trip
COMMENT BELOW – Share what you thought of this episode! Grandpa Hill was 16 years old and drawn to adventure. The adventure in this story is a 500 mile long bicycle trip in the early 1970’s. Four boys leave Rochester Michigan on their 10 speed bicycles. Not one of the boys had ever been even…
Sparky the Dog & Devil’s Night
This story isn’t really about Devil’s night, a night of tricks and pranks. It is a story about an unfortunate—or rather fortunate—course of events that led to Sparky becoming the dog of Grandpa Hill’s family, way back when he was a just a boy of 11 years old. It was 1967 on a foggy Devil’s…
The Money Tree
“Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees” Grandpa Hill (Don)’s Dad said… as it turns out money does sometimes grow on trees. Donald was a teenager in the 1970’s, and his Dad was explaining the folly of a purchase. Don replied oh yes it does grow on trees! “Look right there!” Right out side the living room…
Turtle Soup
This story is about Grandpa Hill and his grandfather, Grandpa Bonse. “Donny Boy” got turtle soup for his birthday and learned to consider carefully what he really wanted in his life. In this case he was very excited to get a special meal that he was sure was the best ever. Grandpa Bonse had to…
How To Buy a Car
Grandma teaches Grandpa how to buy a car–how not to pay more than it is worth or than you can afford. 34 years after he learned his lesson Grandpa has bought over 20 cars. The family has nearly always has one dependable family car and a back up car. This has saved the family so…