Tag: Catholic

  • Grandpa Sees an Angel – Faith and Family Story

    Grandpa Sees an Angel – Faith and Family Story

    In 1988 Grandpa Hill (Don) and his family were at a parish mission in Burnsville Minnesota.  Just before the priest called on Don to come up front for a demonstration about faith and trust, an angel came and sat down next to Grandpa.

    Grandpa really doesn’t know what angels are.  He calls what he saw an angel because it seemed friendly, calm, and all energy.   Whatever it was that evening he first sensed it’s approach, saw it for a second or two and then responded to the priest.  As Don left the pew to ‘volunteer’ for the demonstration in front of what seemed like over a thousand people, the angel was gone!

    Don describes the faith moment, his demonstration of the concept of trust, and, how interesting it was for one time in his life to sense and see some sort of being that he truly thinks was an angel, sitting with him.  Either Don had the wildest imagination in the world, or he really saw something, or both!

    In any case, please know that Grandpa Hill’s Stories are True Stories, as true as he can remember them.  This encounter with this ‘angel’ truly happened to him.  It was definitely a faith moment, and, has always been an inspiration to him when he is being reluctant or hesitant to do what he really thinks God would like him to do.

    Please enjoy and please share this story and this podcast.  It really means a lot to Grandpa Hill to share and teach to entertain and to make it easier for others to think laugh and live regardless of the troubles of the day or times we live in. Use the stories to remember and share your own stories of when you grew up or you learned something true. What you do matters, it matters to the whole world.

    As of today April 21, 2023, Grandpa Hill’s True Stories have been listened to in 28 countries, 173 cities in 36 of the United States of America.  That’s way over 33,000 minutes helping you and your children to think, laugh, and live.  Listen, listen, listen. Share Share Share. Thank you!


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: David Richman
    Art: Amy Steele
    Grandchildren in the audience: Annette, and Breandan.

  • Love Hurts #1 — The Squirrel

    Love Hurts #1 — The Squirrel

    Grandpa tells a story of his love for Grandma, and a massive flying squirrel. Grandma gets very hurt. In the darkness of the new couples bedroom there is shouting, then they are crying, then—as the story comes out about the squirrel—they are laughing.

    Love Hurts #1 is the first in a series of mishaps that Grandpa and Grandma have loved each other through, in holy matrimony since 1978.  Love Hurts #1, truly happened to us!

    We hope this series of stories is especially valuable to teenagers, those dating, those betrothed, and those living in holy matrimony. Might these stories encourage you to love your spouse (or potential spouse) more deeply, laugh a little more, think, and live.

    Christ was willing to die for His spouse the Church, we likewise must love our (potential) spouse unconditionally. Unlike Christ, as sinners striving to be saints, we make mistakes, and sometimes for the best of reasons… namely Love. For love is self gift and a gift returned, but it is also a total willing the good of the other.

    Grandpa Hill was willing to sacrifice himself to save his wife from the incoming squirrel. Unintentionally he slugs Grandma, but upon awaking and finding what he has done to his wife begins crying with her, then laughing with her at dream of the flying squirrel.

    Afterwards Grandma and Grandpa reconciled, and learned a little more how to think, laugh, and live in the early years of their marriage.

    We wish you Peace on your journey,

    שָׁלוֹם, Shalom


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music & Art: David Richman
    Audience: Grandma, David, Leah, Anna, and Breandan

  • Sandy and Her Seizures

    Sandy and Her Seizures

    Grandpa Hill’s  true health story “Sandy and Her Seizures”  tells how connection and love and critical thinking about health issues came together and resulted in Sandy not having seizures anymore.  When Bernadette finally gets Dean and Don (Grandpa Hill) together, the synergy of the information that gets shared leads to a speedy recovery for Sandy.

    This story could have had a very sad end.  Medical care givers had concluded that not much could be done for Sandy.   Dean’s  ideas and direction for Sandy’s care had been dismissed by the Doctor’s.   With conviction Dean moved forward, and got the treatment Sandy needed.  

    This true event in Grandpa Hill’s life motivates him to tell his stories, share his opinions, as he thinks laughs and lives.  Please share the story with everyone!  Grandpa Hill is confident that the lives of many will be so much better if you do.

  • Our First Homeschooling Day

    Grandpa Hill, that’s me, Don tells this story for his children, his grandchildren, and all children.  The 6 Hills go to bed on a summer night in Savage Minnesota determined to not watch the TV anymore.  This drastic change in their life was preparation to start homeschooling in the fall.

    It was Friday night. It was 1989. In just 11 hours, Saturday animation would be no more.  The TV was in the closet!

    In the morning Grandpa wakes and soon sounds the alarm to Grandma, the children are missing!

    This unexpected start to their homeschooling days was a clear sign to them that replacing TV time with family time and great activities, was the best choice, a key opening the door to their success with their eight children being taught in their home.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: David Richman
    Art: Amy Steele

  • Baby Torticollis

    Baby Torticollis

    Amy, Grandpa Hill’s daughter, had a droopy face, a crooked neck, and her eye wouldn’t open all the way.  Grandpa and Grandma Hill (Don and Mary) wanted her torticollis to be fixed but were not ready to have Doctors do nerve surgery.  Grandpa was praying and sharing with others at work about Amy’s situation. Right there, right then, the man praying with Grandpa Hill, started telling him about an Osteopath that he thought would be good for Amy.  Grandpa Hill had never heard of such a thing!  What would they do to their little girl?

    Many would say this was just another lucky circumstance.  Grandpa thinks differently.  He believes it is God’s nature to listen, and, to consider and provide what is best for him and his family.  He prayed during that lunch hour. While there he was face to face with a man he hardly knew proceeding to tell him of a special Osteopath, a leader in his field, that he thought could help Amy.  So, Grandpa listened, he investigated, and prayed again with Grandma. The decision was made to start manipulations of baby Amy’s skull. Today, we are glad to have to a happy and beautiful Amy, with relieved, grateful and joyful parents.

    If Grandpa Hill’s true story about how he quickly took effective action against a serious problem helps you in any way please let us know.  Of Torticollis Grandpa knew very little.  Of Osteopaths Grandpa knew very little.  He did ask Jesus to help him figure this out, and he thinks that Jesus did exactly that.  Grandpa Hill says think, pray, laugh and live. 

  • Why Did I Say That about Her Baby?

    Julia was trying to start a family and she had just found out about another miscarriage. Inexplicably Grandpa Hill (Don) thought her baby was still alive, and told her what he thought.  Julia needed to hear that, and so did her baby.

    To this day Grandpa Hill doesn’t know why he said that, but he did say it.  Sometimes we don’t say what what we know we should, but what an impact there can be when we do.

    This story changed Julia and her family.  This story changed Grandpa Hill and his family.  It is Grandpa’s hope that this story will change you and your family.  (The story is as true as Grandpa Hill can remember it.  Names have been changed.)