Tag: cottage

  • Fishing With A Four Year Old – Children’s Stories

    Fishing With A Four Year Old – Children’s Stories

    Grandpa Hill shares another true personal story of fishing with a four year old.  Grandpa claims to have always caught something on every fishing trip, even this one.  Caleb his grandson challenges Grandpa when he seems to contradict himself,  ‘Sometimes never even getting a bite, yet always catching something.  Come on!  Which is it?’

    In this true story Rebecca is the four year old, the gear is a bamboo pole, the catch….. well you will have to listen to the story! 

    Grandpa assures the audience that this trip like every fishing trip or family adventure gave him and his children precious memories that have lasted a life time.  This one fishing with a four year old was exceptional fun and excitement.  Grandpa Hills Children Stories and Health Stories are listened to in dozens of countries, dozens of States in the USA, and dozens of communities in Pennsylvania.  Please spread these stories far and wide, it will probably help make the world a better place.  You will probably never know exactly how but one thing affects another and then surprise you are telling your own stories, and, learning from Grandpa Hill’s true stories.  Think.  Do what you can.  Then laugh and live.


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Grandchildren in the audience: Breandan

    Music: Michael Steele

    Art: Amy Steele

  • Two Women That Talked Too Much – Faith and Family Story

    Two Women That Talked Too Much – Faith and Family Story

    Grandpa Hill knows lots of people that just talk way too much!  Two special women to him really talk a lot. At one time, Don was quite sure they both talked too much.  Mary Lee, Don’s  wife, and his oldest daughter Patricia are the two ‘talkers’ that taught him a lesson and the value of sharing stories with and taking the time to get to know and share with people about yourself.   

    This story is about learning that lesson, learning to be patient and learning the importance of sharing your story as you get to know others, be friendly, and perhaps make a friend. 

    Just today when Mary Lee and I went for our daily walk, she met Tiffany in the park.  The two of them talked for about 30 minutes.  Her story was sad and she looked desperate.  Her tears seemed genuine.  Telling her story seemed to lift some of the burden she was bearing.  Mary Lee assured her of God’s Love for her and not to give up.  Please pray for Tiffany.  We will.

    Please, Think, Laugh, and Live and share Grandpa Hill’s True Stories!


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Grandchildren in the audience: Breandan

    Music: Michael Steele

    Art: Amy Steele

  • Grandma’s First Couch – A slightly wiser story.

    Grandma’s First Couch – A slightly wiser story.

    It was the fall of 1985, Grandma and Grandpa Hill had just got a new house in Savage Minnesota.  There was an ongoing disagreement about money and furniture.  We both wanted living room furniture.  Mary Lee wanted to sit comfortably in the living room with friends and family.  Don wanted to sit comfortably but had no money to buy furniture.  Buying a couch at that time was out of the question.    Even so Mary Lee, went and got a couch and much more.

    Mervin and Janette, Mary Lee’s parents were generous and bought the furniture.    Mary Lee negotiated a low price.  Don’s happiness and gratitude, was hampered by his stubbornness and pride.  Don has recorded this episode as a memorial to the love and generosity shown by Mervin and Janette Mack.

    By the way, Mary Lee saved the day again!  She turned the furniture buy into a dent and scratch sale!  She still advises buyers to just ask for that lower price.  “Frequently you will get it”.


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill
    Music: David Richman
    Art: Amy Steele
    Grandchildren in the audience: Annette, Breandan, Eoghan, and David.

  • Great Michigan Bicycle Trip – PART 4

    Great Michigan Bicycle Trip – PART 4

    This last episode of Grandpa Hill’s adventure trip is told by Grandpa Hill. It truly happened to him. There and back, the trip was nearly 500 miles.  This last episode starts on Day 6 and is full of adventure and fun.

    The day starts with spirits high, leaving MARION. Eggs are stolen from a hen house and they confess when discovered. They are cared for by Aunt Margaret at the farm in Harrietta. The next day they make it to Okenama and Bill Lecuru’s grandparents. The bikers pick berries to get food money to come home. Tension builds the group starts to break up. Bill Lecuru does not make the return trip. Near the end Grandpa is attacked by a man in a pickup truck. Tensions build, Grandpa starts to fight with his fellow bikers. Sunburns and blisters are part of the very last day as the group dissolves never to be again.

    Think, Laugh and Live with Grandpa as he retells this true adventure story to Caleb, Corbin, and Walter.

    As Grandpa finishes the telling of the great Michigan Bicycle Trip, he reminds his grandsons that just because something is hard to do doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing.


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: Michael Steele
    Art: David Richman
    Grandchildren in the audience: Caleb, Corbin, Walter

  • Navigator Brian

    Navigator Brian

    Brian the Navigator, Grandpa Hill’s True Story about one of his son’s amazing ability to know where he was and which way to go at the age of five. This story recounts what really happened to Grandpa Hill and his family in the summer of 1985.

    There was a heated discussion, between the parents of a young family, while in an overheated car, on a hot day, in a hot congested snarl of traffic.   Brian’s excellent navigation skills got the family out of a jam.  It was smooth sailing from there.  From a pending disaster in downtown Chicago the family vacation trip was rescued by Brian’s keen interest in maps.

    At the end, Gorf and Marshmallow are lost too, and discuss the importance of studying maps, and to be helpful in your own situation.

    This story on how the Hill family dealt with the tension. It is for Grandpa Hill’s 8 children, his 22 grandchildren, and all children.  Grandpa’s goal is to help the listeners  get out of their own tense situations and figure out ways to make it easier to think more, laugh more, and live abundantly.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: Michael Steele,
    Art: David Richman,
    Grandchildren: Joseph, Catherine, and Lizzy