Tag: decisions

  • The Fruitful Decision

    The Fruitful Decision

    Grandpa Hill’s True Faith and Family Story of what truly happened to him at the Latin Mass in Latrobe Pennsylvania was possible because Donald and Mary Lee made a fruitful decision, to open the womb 33 years ago. They offer to everyone their story of deciding to reverse their sterility, and, proceeding to go from a “large enough” family to a much larger family.

    Grandpa realized recently in a sudden rush of emotion that the path they chose, although less traveled, not popular, and, considered risky and ill-advised has truly made all the difference.  Grandpa Hill is not a theologian, nor doctor, nor expert on fruitful decision making.  He is just a good critical thinker, and problem solver.  It’s what he does.  When Grandma has a good thing she shares it with everyone she knows and that’s what she does.  Grandpa and Grandma believe that their decisions, acting on those decisions,  what they love, and how they love is what makes them who they truly are.

    Please enjoy this story and share it with others as you think laugh and live. Go to grandpahill-stories.org to contact us. We want to be our best at loving and caring and sharing Grandpa Hill’s True Stories with you. Your comments, stories, and needs become part of why we exist.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: David Richman