Tag: grand children

  • Fishing With A Four Year Old – Children’s Stories

    Fishing With A Four Year Old – Children’s Stories

    Grandpa Hill shares another true personal story of fishing with a four year old.  Grandpa claims to have always caught something on every fishing trip, even this one.  Caleb his grandson challenges Grandpa when he seems to contradict himself,  ‘Sometimes never even getting a bite, yet always catching something.  Come on!  Which is it?’

    In this true story Rebecca is the four year old, the gear is a bamboo pole, the catch….. well you will have to listen to the story! 

    Grandpa assures the audience that this trip like every fishing trip or family adventure gave him and his children precious memories that have lasted a life time.  This one fishing with a four year old was exceptional fun and excitement.  Grandpa Hills Children Stories and Health Stories are listened to in dozens of countries, dozens of States in the USA, and dozens of communities in Pennsylvania.  Please spread these stories far and wide, it will probably help make the world a better place.  You will probably never know exactly how but one thing affects another and then surprise you are telling your own stories, and, learning from Grandpa Hill’s true stories.  Think.  Do what you can.  Then laugh and live.


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Grandchildren in the audience: Breandan

    Music: Michael Steele

    Art: Amy Steele

  • The Money Tree

    The Money Tree

    “Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees” Grandpa Hill (Don)’s Dad said… as it turns out money does sometimes grow on trees. Donald was a teenager in the 1970’s, and his Dad was explaining the folly of a purchase.  Don replied oh yes it does grow on trees! “Look right there!”  Right out side the living room window there was a money tree.  Grandpa’s Mom used to pick what looked to be silver dollars off the tree and exchange them for dollars.

    This seems unbelievable to the grandchildren listening to this story from long ago.  So, Grandpa takes them down the street to Ken and Cindy’s house in Latrobe Pennsylvania and right there in the garden is a Money Tree, for real!

    Gorf and Marshmallow discuss how to make money with the Money Tree, and, food, and doing the right thing when talking to your parents or are considering harvesting someone else’s crop.  We hope you enjoy this simple Grandpa Hill True Story, keep listening, sharing, and exploring the dozens of other episodes!


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Gorf: Grandpa
    Marshmallow: David Richman
    Music: Michael Steele
    Art: David Richman
    Grandchildren in the audience: Kyla, Breandan, Lawrence, Eddy, and Levi

  • Food and Vacation Fun at Grandma Bonse’s

    Food and Vacation Fun at Grandma Bonse’s

    Every year Grandpa went, with his family, to visit his Grandma and Grandpa Bonse in Northport Michigan.  He remembers the great food especially his grandma’s raisin bread.  Yum!  Grandpa had adventures every year!   A pine forest deep and dark and quiet, and the steep grassy hills behind the barn, set the “stage” for his vacation fun.  A box of simple toys gave hours of enjoyment.  At night Grandpa and his brothers could see through the floors.   

    Two foods brought each vacation to a close.  Popcorn made by Grandpa Bonse and Chubs from town for the adults.  Gorf the frog is impressed with Grandpa’s fun and initiates a game of tree tag.  Marshmallow plays too but has his priorities, food first!    Grandpa encourages his children his grandchildren and all children set down cell phones, shut off televisions and enjoy each other and enjoy their childhood as they learn to think laugh and live.   


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill, 

    Music: Michael Steele
    Grandchildren Audience: Kyla, Lawrence, Eddie.