Tag: lessons learned

  • Grandpa Cuts Himself With a Chain Saw – Slightly Wiser Story

    Grandpa Cuts Himself With a Chain Saw – Slightly Wiser Story

    In 1974 Grandpa Hill, Don Hill, was clearing stump logs around Karl Greimel’s Estate.  He was 16 years old and  the blade on Mr. Greimel’s saw was 16 inches long.  When the blade entered his leg he knew he was in trouble.  As he drove himself to the hospital his left leg was warm and wet as his boot filled with blood. 

    At the hospital Don collapsed.  He came to and was soon being stitched half way up.  There was an interruption in the stitching and  a lack of Novocain that made it a very memorable experience.

    Grandpa shares this story with his grandchildren, his children and all children hoping that they won’t make the mistakes he did.  Don’t work alone, especially with dangerous things like chainsaws in the snow on a hill.  Never cut up hill.  Don’t touch any of the tools or supplies  when you are laying on the bed getting stitched by a very busy Doctor.

    Please share this story, with your family and friends.  Maybe it makes a difference to their futures as they Think Laugh and Live.

    Grandchildren In the Audience (I think):  David, Annette, Breandan, Kyla, Lawrence, Edmund, Levi, Emma and Eoghan.

    Author and Producer Grandpa Hill; Artist Amy Steele; Pickin Michael Steele.

  • Turtle Soup

    Turtle Soup

    This story is about Grandpa Hill and his grandfather, Grandpa Bonse.  “Donny Boy” got turtle soup for his birthday and learned to consider carefully what he really wanted in his life.  In this case he was very excited to get a special meal that he was sure was the best ever.  Grandpa Bonse had to make his regular visit to the garbage dump near North Port MI.  Then he had Donny Boy look in a barrel of turtles, then they enjoyed a great lunch.  Grandpa Bonse enjoyed teaching Donny Boy this way.  Grandpa Hill (Donny Boy) enjoyed learning this way.  He felt loved.  

    Gorf the frog  and Marshmallow the raccoon discuss the eating of frogs and turtles.  What you think about your food plays a big part in whether you will like it or not.  Grandpa did some thinking about his highly desired soup and then it wasn’t quite so desired.  Marshmallow mostly thinks about eating more not what it is that he is eating.  Gorf handles the whole story pretty well.  Gorf does get tense with all the talk about eating things like frogs.  Marshmallow reminds Gorf again that he won’t be consuming frogs any time soon.


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: Michael Steele,
    Art: David Richman,
    Grandchildren in Audience: Annette & Breandan