Tag: manipulation

  • Baby Torticollis

    Baby Torticollis

    Amy, Grandpa Hill’s daughter, had a droopy face, a crooked neck, and her eye wouldn’t open all the way.  Grandpa and Grandma Hill (Don and Mary) wanted her torticollis to be fixed but were not ready to have Doctors do nerve surgery.  Grandpa was praying and sharing with others at work about Amy’s situation. Right there, right then, the man praying with Grandpa Hill, started telling him about an Osteopath that he thought would be good for Amy.  Grandpa Hill had never heard of such a thing!  What would they do to their little girl?

    Many would say this was just another lucky circumstance.  Grandpa thinks differently.  He believes it is God’s nature to listen, and, to consider and provide what is best for him and his family.  He prayed during that lunch hour. While there he was face to face with a man he hardly knew proceeding to tell him of a special Osteopath, a leader in his field, that he thought could help Amy.  So, Grandpa listened, he investigated, and prayed again with Grandma. The decision was made to start manipulations of baby Amy’s skull. Today, we are glad to have to a happy and beautiful Amy, with relieved, grateful and joyful parents.

    If Grandpa Hill’s true story about how he quickly took effective action against a serious problem helps you in any way please let us know.  Of Torticollis Grandpa knew very little.  Of Osteopaths Grandpa knew very little.  He did ask Jesus to help him figure this out, and he thinks that Jesus did exactly that.  Grandpa Hill says think, pray, laugh and live.