Tag: memories

  • A Superior Minnesota Vacation

    A Superior Minnesota Vacation

    This episode of Grandpa Hill’s True Stories took place in May of 1989 along the Western shore of Lake Superior.   Grandma and Grandpa (Mary and Don) take their four children on a long Memorial Day camping vacation.   The story is of five precious memories that make up the five chapters:  Mittens in May; Short Sheets at Gooseberry Falls; Cascade River Trout; Bears Bears, Bears; and Grandma and the Ostrich. 

    This story is being told to four little excited children about when their aunts and uncles were the four little excited children.  The story was told to them shortly after their little sister, Emma, our 23rd grandchild was born.  As you think laugh and live your life, maybe you will remember a story and tell it to your loved ones or share it with someone that hungers for or just enjoys the simple and beautiful family life.

    Please share Grandpa Hill’s True Stories far and wide.  It is a good gift you have discovered.  Pass it on!


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Grandchildren in the audience: Breandan

    Music: Michael Steele

    Art: Amy Steele

  • Fishing With A Four Year Old – Children’s Stories

    Fishing With A Four Year Old – Children’s Stories

    Grandpa Hill shares another true personal story of fishing with a four year old.  Grandpa claims to have always caught something on every fishing trip, even this one.  Caleb his grandson challenges Grandpa when he seems to contradict himself,  ‘Sometimes never even getting a bite, yet always catching something.  Come on!  Which is it?’

    In this true story Rebecca is the four year old, the gear is a bamboo pole, the catch….. well you will have to listen to the story! 

    Grandpa assures the audience that this trip like every fishing trip or family adventure gave him and his children precious memories that have lasted a life time.  This one fishing with a four year old was exceptional fun and excitement.  Grandpa Hills Children Stories and Health Stories are listened to in dozens of countries, dozens of States in the USA, and dozens of communities in Pennsylvania.  Please spread these stories far and wide, it will probably help make the world a better place.  You will probably never know exactly how but one thing affects another and then surprise you are telling your own stories, and, learning from Grandpa Hill’s true stories.  Think.  Do what you can.  Then laugh and live.


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Grandchildren in the audience: Breandan

    Music: Michael Steele

    Art: Amy Steele