Tag: think laugh live

  • Sandy and Her Seizures

    Sandy and Her Seizures

    Grandpa Hill’s  true health story “Sandy and Her Seizures”  tells how connection and love and critical thinking about health issues came together and resulted in Sandy not having seizures anymore.  When Bernadette finally gets Dean and Don (Grandpa Hill) together, the synergy of the information that gets shared leads to a speedy recovery for Sandy.

    This story could have had a very sad end.  Medical care givers had concluded that not much could be done for Sandy.   Dean’s  ideas and direction for Sandy’s care had been dismissed by the Doctor’s.   With conviction Dean moved forward, and got the treatment Sandy needed.  

    This true event in Grandpa Hill’s life motivates him to tell his stories, share his opinions, as he thinks laughs and lives.  Please share the story with everyone!  Grandpa Hill is confident that the lives of many will be so much better if you do.

  • Our First Homeschooling Day

    Grandpa Hill, that’s me, Don tells this story for his children, his grandchildren, and all children.  The 6 Hills go to bed on a summer night in Savage Minnesota determined to not watch the TV anymore.  This drastic change in their life was preparation to start homeschooling in the fall.

    It was Friday night. It was 1989. In just 11 hours, Saturday animation would be no more.  The TV was in the closet!

    In the morning Grandpa wakes and soon sounds the alarm to Grandma, the children are missing!

    This unexpected start to their homeschooling days was a clear sign to them that replacing TV time with family time and great activities, was the best choice, a key opening the door to their success with their eight children being taught in their home.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: David Richman
    Art: Amy Steele

  • Virus Hunting

    Virus Hunting

    This Grandpa Hill True Story is about his Nose, and how he helps it stop viruses. Grandpa Hill believes that respiratory viruses nearly always start in the nose and mouth. His nose is where he goes “hunting” for viruses, to kill them.  In his story he goes virus hunting every day. Grandpa believes his clean nose is key to not getting sick with the COVID virus.

    A Neti pot is his weapon of choice.  He found helpful information from Dr. Peter McCullough, (https://brandnewtube.com/watch/dr-peter-mccullough-oral-nasal-hygiene-for-sars-cov-2_AEPLSy6GJlCphYa.html ) and Indian J. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8026810/ ). Grandpa Hill learned more about effective virus hunting using a nasal rinse of dilute betadine.

    This is Grandpa Hill’s personal true story.  He is not a Doctor, just a good rational and critical thinker.  But he hopes you will join him in thinking, laughing and living, as he tells how he takes his own positive action to try to improve his health by going virus hunting in his nose every day.