Tag: vacation

  • A Superior Minnesota Vacation

    A Superior Minnesota Vacation

    This episode of Grandpa Hill’s True Stories took place in May of 1989 along the Western shore of Lake Superior.   Grandma and Grandpa (Mary and Don) take their four children on a long Memorial Day camping vacation.   The story is of five precious memories that make up the five chapters:  Mittens in May; Short Sheets at Gooseberry Falls; Cascade River Trout; Bears Bears, Bears; and Grandma and the Ostrich. 

    This story is being told to four little excited children about when their aunts and uncles were the four little excited children.  The story was told to them shortly after their little sister, Emma, our 23rd grandchild was born.  As you think laugh and live your life, maybe you will remember a story and tell it to your loved ones or share it with someone that hungers for or just enjoys the simple and beautiful family life.

    Please share Grandpa Hill’s True Stories far and wide.  It is a good gift you have discovered.  Pass it on!


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Grandchildren in the audience: Breandan

    Music: Michael Steele

    Art: Amy Steele

  • Food and Vacation Fun at Grandma Bonse’s

    Food and Vacation Fun at Grandma Bonse’s

    Every year Grandpa went, with his family, to visit his Grandma and Grandpa Bonse in Northport Michigan.  He remembers the great food especially his grandma’s raisin bread.  Yum!  Grandpa had adventures every year!   A pine forest deep and dark and quiet, and the steep grassy hills behind the barn, set the “stage” for his vacation fun.  A box of simple toys gave hours of enjoyment.  At night Grandpa and his brothers could see through the floors.   

    Two foods brought each vacation to a close.  Popcorn made by Grandpa Bonse and Chubs from town for the adults.  Gorf the frog is impressed with Grandpa’s fun and initiates a game of tree tag.  Marshmallow plays too but has his priorities, food first!    Grandpa encourages his children his grandchildren and all children set down cell phones, shut off televisions and enjoy each other and enjoy their childhood as they learn to think laugh and live.   


    Produced by David Richman,
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill, 

    Music: Michael Steele
    Grandchildren Audience: Kyla, Lawrence, Eddie.

  • Navigator Brian

    Navigator Brian

    Brian the Navigator, Grandpa Hill’s True Story about one of his son’s amazing ability to know where he was and which way to go at the age of five. This story recounts what really happened to Grandpa Hill and his family in the summer of 1985.

    There was a heated discussion, between the parents of a young family, while in an overheated car, on a hot day, in a hot congested snarl of traffic.   Brian’s excellent navigation skills got the family out of a jam.  It was smooth sailing from there.  From a pending disaster in downtown Chicago the family vacation trip was rescued by Brian’s keen interest in maps.

    At the end, Gorf and Marshmallow are lost too, and discuss the importance of studying maps, and to be helpful in your own situation.

    This story on how the Hill family dealt with the tension. It is for Grandpa Hill’s 8 children, his 22 grandchildren, and all children.  Grandpa’s goal is to help the listeners  get out of their own tense situations and figure out ways to make it easier to think more, laugh more, and live abundantly.


    Produced by David Richman
    Executively Produced by Grandpa Hill

    Music: Michael Steele,
    Art: David Richman,
    Grandchildren: Joseph, Catherine, and Lizzy