When Grandpa Whined to Grandma – Children’s Story

In 1989 in December Grandpa was all alone in his little room above the Saltsburg Supply Company.  It was cold!  Way too cold for Pennsylvania in December!  He had made a huge mistake, he was lonely, and he was cold.  He called Grandma to whine about his troubles.

Grandma decided to fix everything by telling Grandpa a story about shopping at the big mall in Burnsville MN.  In no mood for a story, especially about shopping, Grandpa listened to the story and he changed.  He stopped his whining!  Whining  wasn’t working and it never should work for anybody, not for little insistent children and not for Moms and Dads and definitely not for Grandpa Hill. 

Gorf and Marshmallow help Grandpa Hill discuss whining  with some of his grandchildren.  Grandpa Hill appreciates that help as he promotes Thinking, Laughing a lot, and Living life fully.  It so much better for the, children the children’s children and for all children if whining never works!

Please share your stories with your childrend and grandchildren. Please share this story with someone in the world today. Thank you, Grandpa Hill.

  • Produced: Grandpa Hill, with David Richman.
  • Puppets: Gorf, Grandpa Hill; Marshmallow David Richman.
  • Laugh and Call to take a seat: Walter and Corbin.
  • Grandchildren in Audience: David, Kyla, Lawrence, Edmund, Levi, Emma.
  • Music: Michael Steele.


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